Marianne White

Marianne Witte (Texel, 1951) is a Dutch youth book writer.


Marianne Witte was born in Texel in 1951. She worked in a bookstore, at a nursery, in a library and in a library.

Since 1996, she writes for children and published short stories in Bobo, Okki and Taptoe. In addition, contributions from her hand appeared in eight stories of Uitgeverij Holland. Since 2008 she has written for Publisher Kluitman books for beginner readers.

In 2016, the print book 'Tessel viert Sint Maarten' appears at the publishing house De Vier Windstreken, with illustrations of Monica Maas.

Her book debut made her in 1998 with the prints book Dag Kinderdagverblijf, illustrated by Jolet Leenhouts.

For adults, she writes columns and short stories. Bibliography Website
