Narnia is a Dutch musical directed by Rogier van de Weerd based on the book The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe of C.S. Lewis. This musical was performed by the National Youth Musical Theater in the 2006/2007 season and has been reprinted in the 2007/2008 season. The story Reading Warning: The following text contains details about the content and / or the end of the story.
When England's Second World War breaks out, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are staying at Professor Digory Kirke in a large country house in the summer vacation. On a rainy day, the little Lucy in a blank room of the house discovers a mysterious wardrobe. When Lucy tries to hide in the closet, she just walks into another world, the land of Narnia! Jadis, the White Witch has made sure that it is always winter in Narnia. With the help of the lion Aslan and the beavers, the children try to do something about it. Role distribution Production Team