SimmerTime is a Frisian music album released in the summer of 2000.
The album, subtitled 15 lietsjes ut it Frysk Muzykteater, was compiled on the occasion of Simmer 2000. A traveling musical theater, with the collaboration of De Kast, Rients Gratama, Piter Wilkens and Maaike Schuurmans, visited a number of Frisian cities. Recordings for the album took place on 14 and 15 June 2000 at Langweer.
On the CD are newly written songs, but also Frisian edits of existing songs. An example of this is Paradys by it dashboardljocht, a duet of Syb van der Ploeg and Schuurmans, which is a process of Paradise by the Dashboard Light of Meat Loaf. It's the longest song on the CD with more than 8 minutes.
As a bonus track, I've taken Bin, a song from the film De Fûke. At the end of 2000, the album SimmerTime 2 also appeared. Numbers Hitlists