Esteban González Pons

González Punch at a meeting in Basque Country (2009)

Esteban González Pons (Valencia, 21 August 1964) is a Spanish lawyer, politician and delegate in the Congress for the Partido Popular (PP).

González Pons graduated in law and promoted in constitutional law at the University of Valencia. He was elected senator in the 1993 elections, those of 1996 and those of 2000 for the constituency of Valencia. In 2003 he resigned in the Senate to become a councilor of culture, education and sport in the Valencian Government. In succession, he will also perform the posts of institutional relations and communications, as well as those of spatial planning and public housing in the regional government under Francisco Camps. In 2007, he becomes spokesman for the PP in the Cortes Valencianas, but he also leaves that post if he is elected to the parliamentary elections in Valencia during the 2008 parliamentary elections.

González Pons deserves his trains by his fierce criticism of Prime Minister Zapatero, but in his best wishes he also promises: he has promised 3,5 million new jobs and the rival voters PSOE (Spanish Socialist Labor Party) called idiots.
