Seasonal unemployment

Seasonal unemployment is temporary unemployment due to low demand for labor in a certain part of the year.

Seasonal unemployment came and occurs mainly in the agricultural sector, which is largely seasonal and, consequently, a lot of seasonal work is being done. Some activities, such as potatoes rooting, asparagus sting and harvesting require high manpower in high season. However, the use of machines has greatly reduced the share of seasonal labor, but not all activities are carried out with machines, and machine harvesting also requires extra manpower.

The food processing industry is also experiencing seasonal unemployment, especially the sugar factories are an example of this. These only work for a few months a year.

In the past, the phenomenon in the tourist industry is seen in the past. Beach facilities are usually only open during the summer season, while winter sports usually only run in full season for a few months in the winter season.

Because it is not always possible to earn enough money for living in the short season of the high season, a seasonal worker in the low season will usually do other work. Some low-skilled jobs are often performed as additional earnings, the so-called holiday home. The heavier work, for example in agriculture, is often done by Western Europeans in Western Europe, which, although low-paid, often still earn more than is possible in their own country.
