The Hunza-Nagar expedition of 1891 refers to a military action conducted by British Raj's troops against the principals of Hunza and Nagar (an area currently located in the Northern Territories of Pakistan) Causemodifica wikitesto
At the end of the 19th century, troops from the British Empire tried to consolidate their control over the tribal areas of northeast of Raj, clashing with some resistance especially in the Hunza and Nagar principals. The British also suspected that the Russians were providing rebel weapons (see Great Game).
In 1891, Colonel Algernon George Arnold Durand was then sent to the Nagar, which, after the Battle of Nil Nagar, was occupied.
Nagar's prince remained on the throne but had to act subtly while Hunza's raja was replaced by the brother-in-law, more inclined to collaborate with the British. Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto