An extrophia vesic or bladder extrophy is a congenital abdominal wall defect. During pregnancy, the front abdominal wall is not completely closed, leaving the bladder folded on the belly as it were. Disorders that may occur include bladder, urinary tract, pelvis and genitals. Depending on the severity of the abnormality and the expertise of the attending physicians, patients with bladderxtrophy can lead a free normal life. Cause

The exact cause has not been discovered yet. It is assumed that there is an error in the development of the mesoderm of the embryo during the fourth week of pregnancy, which causes the formation and closing of the bladder and the lower part of the abdominal wall. There are strong indications that the deviation is not hereditary. Therapy

The newborn will stay in the hospital for the first weeks, sometimes even months. The time of operation (s) and the number of surgeries varies per patient. In the most common treatment, the bladder, the abdominal tube and the abdominal wall are closed immediately after birth and the pelvic bones are brought to each other. In the second instance, the ureters are re-inserted into the bladder wall and the bladder mouth is reshaped. The sex organs are constructed as necessary to give them as natural a possible form. If possible, a cosmetic navel is made.
