
A Jordaanfilm is a Dutch film genre from the 1930's. It is named its Jordaan, a neighborhood in Amsterdam where all Jordaan films are playing.

The Jordaan film is also described as "a happy childhood in a small-family environment with all kinds of love developments", which in all cases is a happy ending. It is a genre with a Dutch character that would appeal to all filmgangers with a Dutch heart. The scripts are mostly based on folk pieces and in most cases have a connection with the revue. Regularly, revue stars make guest appearances in these movies.

De Jantjes (1934) is referred to as the first Jordaan film. According to many sources, however, the first Jordaan films were already made in 1917. The success of De Jantjes was the highlight of the Jordaan film in the thirties. More movies were released from this gênre hoping to match De Jantjes's success, including Bleeke Bet (1934) and Life is not that bad ( 1935). This did not turn out to be the case. As early as 1935, it was announced that Jordaan films would no longer be made. This genre was concluded with the movie Oranje Hein (1936). Jaap Speyer tried to blow the Jordaan film a new life with a kingdom for a house (1949) but had no success. Externe link
