Russian central Rialto

View of the valley of the river Osjetr.

The Russian central riot (in Russian Среднерусская возвышенность, Srednerusskaja vozvyšennost ') is a region of modest hilltop elevations, of morainic origin, located in the southwestern part of European Russia, with marginal interests of northeast Ukraine.

The whole area extends for about half a million square kilometers, on the territory of the Russian provinces of Kaluga, Tula, Brjansk, Orel, Kursk, Lipeck, Voronež and Belgorod. It stretches for about 1,000 km with NNO-SSE, approximately between the parallel 55 ° and 50 ° N; the maximum width is about 500 km. You can reach south to the less extensive Alture of the Don, as you climb to the north, to other hilly areas such as the Rialto del Valdaj, the Smolensk Huts and, to the northeast, the Mosques of Moscow.

The Russian central riot acts as a watershed for hydrographic basins of considerable size; Among the major rivers that have their source here are: Links externalize the wikitesto
