Keep balance
Equilibrium is the ability of an organism to detect linear acceleration and rotation of its head (or head). Function of equilibrium
The equilibrium function is twofold. First, determine the three-dimensional position of the head in performing a main rotation and, secondly, determine the acceleration / retardation of the head in a linear motion. Strictly speaking, the name of this sense, equilibrium, reflects what the senses measure. Literally, the sense of rotation and acceleration could be called. Balancing is the result of merging and processing of information from several other senses, both in rotation and acceleration.
Position of the rotated head has to be focused on keeping the eyes at a specific target and keeping it in position of the rest of the body while the head rotates. The head rotation information, in combination with the proprioception of the head's position relative to the neck, and also in conjunction with the vision, allows the brain to control the correct (eye) muscle groups. to maintain or change the body and eye position during standstill or movement.
Determining the linear acceleration of the head has to do with the directional determination of the organism relative to the soil (i.e., relative to gravity) in order to change the body's changing position relative to or to avoid surrounding objects. determine. Whoever walks down somewhere should slow down sooner than someone who slowly walks down somewhere. This function is also helped by sensory information of proprioception and vision. This also helps the touch, for example, when determining the contact of the foot soles with the ground.