National Center for Science Education

The National Center for Science Education (NCSE) is a 1981-based scientific institution in Oakland, which is affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Pursuits

The institute addresses education in evolutionary biology in US public schools and tries to prevent religious views from penetrating into academic subjects. Reason for the establishment of the NCSE was to create a counter-movement against fundamentalist Christian groups, trying to get creationism under the flag of science in American education (such as intelligent design).

Organic anthropologist Eugenie Scott has been General Director of the NCSE since 1987. Project Steve

The NCSE keeps a list of scientists with the first name Steve, or a variation thereon (Stephanie, Stefan, Esteban, etc). The idea arose in response to creationist organizations that try to list scientists who doubt the evolutionary theory. Project Steve is intended as a satire on the idea that scientific issues can be decided by who can make the longest list scientists.
