Walking from the Holmen Canal to the Amager Eastern Point in the years 1828 and 1829 is a story by Hans Christian Andersen dating back to 1828. Tramamodifies wikitesto
This is a description of a walk in the city of Copenhagen (for a total of 6 km) on New Year's Eve in 1828. It contains the story of the writer's poetry investment (which overcomes the schemes of that traditional, since Satan is a poet) and contains many citations from other literary texts; Symptomatic in it is the use of romantic irony, especially in cap. VI, in which the book that Andersen carries with him in his handbag (that is, The elephant of the Devil of Hoffmann) begins to speak of himself and of his own story in a famous self-explanatory step, in which the author reflects on the same conditions to write ". Criticamodifica wikitesto
The story was very positively reviewed by J.L. Heiberg.