Avimelekh (Abrams)

The death of Abimelech, engraving by Gustave Doré

Abimelech or Abimelech (from Hebrew "my father is king"; ... - ...) he was king of Gerara. Abimelech e Abramomodifica wikitesto

It is said he was "the Kings of the Philistines," but it is certainly an anachronism. The book's editor transpired at the times of the patriarchs (18C to the present): the Philistines settled on the Canaan coast only in the 12th century BC.

In any case, according to Scripture, Abraham, who resided in the territory of Gerar on which Abimelech reigned, he felt prudent to believe that his wife Sarah was her sister, as she had done during her trip to Egypt and probably the same reason she thought Sara's beauty would have pushed those who wanted her to kill him to get rid of him if they had believed her husband, but he would have attracted the admirers' favor if they had believed her brother. / p>

Abimelech kidnapped Sarah. But before coming to her she was warned in the dream that the woman was Abraham's wife, his guest, whom he then restored her with rich gifts. Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto Other designers wikitesto

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