Bonaventura Elsevier

Bonaventura Elsevier (Leiden, 1583 - September 17, 1652) was a Dutch bookstore and book printer. biography

Bonaventura Elsevier was the sixth son of Louis Elsevier and his wife Maria Duverdyn, but is sometimes also seen as a son of Matthijs Elsevier. Since 1601, Bonaventura worked as a bookstore. He began five years to travel to Italy and traveled to Paris in 1608 to return to Leiden the following year. In 1618 he became a companion of Matthijs Elsevier, who spent six years. In the years he also worked a lot with the son of Matthijs, named Abraham Elsevier. In the year 1625, Bonaventura Elsevier bought the University Press of Isaak Elsevier and the Oriental Printing Company of Thomas Erpenius. As a result, the two printers were named for university book printers. In 1625 Bonaventura married Sara van Ceulen and received four sons with her. Daniel, Peter the Old, Bonaventura the Young and Wilhelm. On September 17, 1652 he died and ordered him in the Pieterskerk in Leiden on earth. Literature
