Futura more

Futura Plus is a Serbian wholesale and retail company of consumer goods, newspapers, beverages and food. Stored by wikitesto

Futura plus was born in November 2006 following the integration of four Serbian socially owned companies: the kiosk chains of "Duvan", "Politika prodaja", "Borba" and "Duvan promet". The merger took place between EMI Denmark's financial company and D Trade Ltd. in Belgrade, Serbia, on the one hand, and the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung on the other. Commercial activity modifies wikitesto

Futura Plus manages retail sales (around 1,2,000 retail outlets and 4,000 employees between Minut2, kiosks, regional and deposit centers) and wholesale (suppliers, publishers, advertising companies, purchases) and services in marketing, distribution and transportation fields.

In 2006, Futura plus opened its first Minut2 retail outlets. Sometimes associated with cafes, recall US and British corner shops, although the range of products on sale is wider than that of kiosks. Links externalize the wikitesto
