Open kringproces

If any state change of a circle process occurs in a closed system, then this state change will always apply to the First Capital Act for closed systems.

q = & # x0394; u + w {\displaystyle q=\Delta u+w}

For the whole cycle process, all circular processes will be added.

∑ q = ∑ & # x0394; u + ∑ w {\displaystyle \sum q=\sum \Delta u+\sum w}

It has previously been said that start and end state must be equal in a circuit process. Because it is a closed system, the internal energy of start and end states is equal.

∑ & # x0394; u = 0 {\ displaystyle \ sum \ Delta u = 0}

This means that:

∑ q = ∑ w {\displaystyle \sum q=\sum w}

So the total heat transfer is equal to the work. If both terms are negative, we are talking about a negative cycle process. If both terms are positive, of a positive cycle process.
