Aquillin Longo

Aquillin Longo

Aquillin Longo S.C.I. (Preve di Curtarolo (Padua), August 25, 1907 - Mambasa (Congo), November 3, 1964), since his dedication called 'Father Bernard', was an Italian missionary of the Priests of the Sacred Heart. He was priest dedicated on 29 June 1936 and arrived in Congo in 1938, where he worked as a missionary in Nduye. He was killed in Mambasa on November 26th by the Simba and reburied in Nduye on May 25, 1966.

On the 20th of August 1964, the Mulelists arrived at Nduye, the mission post where Father Longo took care of the pygmies. The rebels caught the father and the six sisters present but left them free again soon. Life resumes its usual hallway until October 29, when the Simbas picked up the father and sisters to bring them to Mambasa. They accused the father of having a radio station and as proof they confiscated his camera to see a channel.

On the same day, the Mulelists made a decisive defeat at Butembo. The rebounded rebels in Mambasa were furious. When on October 30, Father Longo and the sisters arrived at their headquarters in Mambasa, a young crowd was waiting for them. All Europeans were locked up. On November 2, the sisters were released and returned by the Simba to Nduye. On November 3, Father Longo had to appear for a 'folk tribunal'. Despite the evidence that he was known and loved in Mambasa, he was sentenced to death. The sentence was executed at 10 o'clock at 10 o'clock. Father Longo got two neck shots after which a few hundred Simba's pierced him with their spear. Another version, to which more faith may be attached, says that Father Longo was thrown into a spear, after which more Simba hit him with their spears. The two bullets in the neck would have been the only shot.

A nurse of Mambasa, who knew the father, managed to bury his body a few hours later, not in a chest but wrapped in a cloth and with his paternoster. On May 23, 1966, Father Noacco let the body excavate. Two days later, Father Longo was solemnly buried in Nduye's church where he rested for the altar.
