The ecomobiel is the successor and replacement of means of transport driven by ecologically harmful fuels. The ecomobile is powered by motors powered by ecologically sound energy forms. Motors powered by solar panels, battery, biodiesel, wind power, hydrogen, bubbles, bioethanol and many other forms of fuel and / or energy supply that do not have harmful effects on the environment and society are currently being tested and already in various ecomobiels implemented.
In recent years, ecomobiel has attracted the environmentally conscious and sustainability-promoting humanity.
Since 2009, the Netherlands also has a scholarship on sustainable mobility called ecomobiel. The fair was launched in 2008 by Huub Sparnaay and Gerben Bierbooms. At 27 & amp; September 28th, the third edition of this fair takes place in the Ahoy Rotterdam. With more than 10,000 square meters, this fair is the largest in the Benelux in terms of sustainable mobility. Belgium Office
For the edition of 2011 there is also a Belgium Office, which is provided by, a project of Bond Better Environment, and provides for the collection of Belgian standers. and Ecomobiel Nederland are working hard on the realization of a Belgian edition of Ecomobiel. Thus, from 2012, the trade fair for sustainable mobility will reach an even bigger audience of mobility professionals who can discover the unique exhibition and workshops closer to home.