Gaio Vettio Grate Attic Sabiniano

Gaio Vettio Grate Attic Sabiniano (Latin: Gaius Vettius Gratus Atticus Sabinianus; fl. 228-242; ... - ...) was a senator and politician of the Roman Empire.

Sabiniano was from a senatorial family, as evidenced by an inscription found at Thuburbo Maius (CIL VIII, 823): the suffix consul for 176, Gaio Vettio Sabiniano Julius Guest, his grandfather or great-grandfather had raised the family to the Senate rank after having served for the second time in the equestrian militia under Emperor Antonino Pio; his father was Gaio Vettio Grato Sabiniano, console for 221.

Sabiniano was quattuorvir viarum curandarum ("responsible for road maintenance") in Rome in 228/230 and then sevir equitum Romanorum turmae III ("Roman cavalry squadron commander"). Later on he was a candidate for the emperor, perhaps in 234, and then praetor, perhaps in 239. Afterwards his career also covered the functions of praefectus alimentorum and at the same time the responsibility for the maintenance of the Via Flaminia (241). In 242 it was console. Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto
