The victorious battle

Engraving with a water bank at the Vechtoever at Fort near Hinderdam.

The victorious battle, displaying various faces of lusts, lords and villages, Beginning of Justice and Muyden, is a book published by the Amsterdam publisher and bookstore Andries de Leth in 1719. It contains many dozens of engravings made by Daniel Stoopendaal, including inter alia outer spaces along the Utrechtse Vecht. The Leth, Claas Bruin and Jan de Regt ensured text like poems.

The book was sold well and experienced multiple reprints. In 1790 there was a reissue under the title De Vechtstroom, from Utrecht to Muyden glorified. A reissue in 1807 took place in the collective work Hollandsche Arkadia. In the second half of the 20th century, there was at least twice a reissue. Stoopendaals engravings had a lot of imitation and copies. Sources
