A goldfish in the jungle

A goldfish in the jungle is a hearing by Richard O'Keeffe. Goldfish in the Jungle was broadcast on September 25, 1974 by the BBC. It was translated by Justine Paauw and the TROS broadcast it on Wednesday November 22, 1978, from 23:00 to 23:39. The director was Bert Dijkstra. Scrolling Content

The author argues that there are nowadays those who make society a jungle. In addition, there is the massive mass of rioters - because it's fashionable - and finally there are the few goldfish that are all too easy to get rid of. Indeed, the number of suicides among, in particular, the young people is scary. The author's merit is that he does not end the piece with a suicide. On the contrary, there is a happy end that many goldfish can and will give hope ...
