Amalia Maria da Gloria Augusta (Ghent, March 20, 1830 - Walferdange, Luxembourg, May 1, 1872), Princess of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach, was the first wife of Prince Hendrik der Nederlanden, son of King Willem II.
She was a daughter of Karel Bernhard of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach and Ida van Saksen-Meiningen, daughter of Duke George I of Saxony-Meiningen. Her cousin George II of Saxony-Meiningen married Charlotte van Prussia, a daughter of Princess Marianne der Nederlanden. In 1847, Amalia met on Madeira Prince Henry, who accompanied his sick brother Alexander. She married Hendrik on May 19, 1853 in Weimar, and then took her to Walferdange castle in Luxembourg, where her husband was a governor. Here she used to be charity in particular and made herself very much loved. Fringe education was introduced by her.
Her marriage to Hendrik remained childless. She died on May 1, 1872 and her physical surplus was taken on May 17th into the Oranges tomb of the New Church in Delft. A statue for her was revealed in the city of Luxembourg in 1876.