The explanation of the coconut

The explanation of coconut is the fifth story of the Fahrenheit twins edited by Einaudi in 2005, written by Michel Faber.

Tramamodifies wikitesto

The Magdalaya Hotel, a hotel in Jakarta, is bringing together many wealthy and important men from all over the world to attend the presentation of Miss Soedhono. The hotel's conference room is full, all the wealthy managers are in religious silence while awaiting the arrival of Miss Soedhono. The woman arrives, and begins to explain in detail the physiology of coconut, in a special way of a particular variety she created, using many terms and technical descriptions, to the limit of the comprehensible for non-practitioners. Men react almost exaggerantly to his words, beginning to sweat, to warm up, as if they were subjected to sexual exaltation. The acme of the presentation is when Miss Soedhono, having split in two a coconut, joining the two sides if it leads to the mouth, and injects the white liquid inside. The businessmen in front of this scene explode by munching, whining, each according to its nature. Miss Soedhone dismisses his guests reminding them that the next meeting will take place the following year. Thousands and thousands of miles away a man who could not attend the event eats his hands thinking that he will have to wait another 365 days. Editing the wikitesto editing
