Travel Bug

Travel Bug A Travel Bug from Hong Kong

A Travel Bug is an object with a registered number used by Geocaching. The free translation of Travel Bug is "Reiskever". This covers the travel of a Travel Bug: he is moved from "treasure" (cache) to "treasure", keeping his travel report on the Internet. Each Travel Bug has its own unique Identification Code (Travel Bug ID) and Log Code (Tracking ID). If a Geocacher finds a cache with a Travel Bug, the discovery on can be reported (logging).

Many Travel Bugs have their own mission, described on their own website, which is shown after typing one of the ID codes. A Travel Bug is to help with its mission, and then (like any Travel Bug) has to be returned to another cache in a few weeks to avoid losing the Travel Bug or keeping the Travel Bug out of control for too long.

With Travel Bugs, matches can also be played. Often, it is meant that all Travel Bugs get the same goal (for example, as soon as possible across all provinces). The Travel Bug who first achieved the goal is given a prize, usually in the form of a number of geocoins.

Travel Bugs are tracked by Groundspeak but meanwhile there are other alternatives; for example Geotag Tracker and Traveler Tags.
