
Abdalonimo, sometimes also Abdolonimo (Phoenician: עבדאלנם; Greek: Ἀβδαλώνυμος) (... - circa 312 BC) was a Phoenician king. Biography modifies wikitesto

Ἀβδαλώνυμος - grecision of the Phoenician name proprio avd ("servo") and alionim ("due dèi") - divenne re di Sidone in 332 a.C

The Latin historian Quinto Curzio Rufo tells how Alessandro Magno entrusted his friend and companion Efestione with the task of appointing the king of the city. After many searches he appointed Abdalonimo, a gardener who had defended his garden life. While Quinto Curtius Rufus reports this version in his Historiae Alexandri Magni Macedonis, and so (shortened) Giustino, Diodoro Siculo uses the name of Ballonimos, and says he was king of Tire, not Sidon. Plutarch moves the scene to Paphos, and calls it Abdalonymos. Notemodify wikitesto
