An electronic learning environment (ELO) or learning platform is a complex software system designed to provide educational content and organization of learning processes.


An electronic learning environment contributes to the use of the possibilities of e-learning. There are several ideas about what an electronic learning environment is: "An ELO includes the technical facilities (hardware, software and telecommunications infrastructure) facilitating the interaction between: 1.The process of learning 2nd communication needed for that learning 3rd organization of learning "

Other concepts that may be associated with an ELO are Course Management System, Learning Management System (LMS), Learning Content Management System (LCMS) and OpenCourseWare. A Course Management System is often synonymous with an ELO. They facilitate the logistics process within a training, while an LMS facilitates the logistics processes around a program (eg, offer, booking and throughput). Software

There are many open source and commercial packages available. Some well-known open source learning environments are: ATutor; Claroline; Chamilo; Dokeos; Moodle and Sakai. Some well-known commercials are: Blackboard; it's learning; Online Learning Environment University of Twente and Smart School. Also see
