Groningen ownership

Groninga dominium is a book published in 2006 on the historical cartography of the Dutch province of Groningen. The subtitle of the book is: History of the cartography of the province of Groningen and surrounding areas from 1545-1900. The book appeared at publisher Philip Elchers in Groningen and publisher Koninklijke Van Gorcum in Assen and contains 370 pages with virtually all cards shown in colors.

The composer is Piet H. Wijk from Uithuizermeeden who had 20 years of work to compile this standard work. The origin of the work begins with the collection of old maps for years by his father G.K. Neighborhood. Piet Wijk and his brother R.R. Wijk came in possession of the collection after the death of their father in 1986. For Piet Wijk at the book, he studied colleges at the University of Utrecht in 2002 with historical chartography with Professor G. Schilder.

In Groningen there are four map collections of the province of Groningen namely: the Groninger Archives, the collection of Diepen in Fraeylemaborg, the University Library in Groningen and the Collection District. A large part of the cards contained in these collections were included in the book. About 30 years ago, a predecessor of the above-mentioned book appeared: The Groninger land maps, compiled and rather scientifically described by J.J. Vredenberg-Alink. Bibliography Literature
