Vincent van Beauvais

Vincent de Beauvais

Vincent van Beauvais, gelatinized Vincentius Bellovacensis (around 1190 - 1264) was a French Dominican.

He wrote the largest medieval encyclopedia, the Speculum maius (The Great Mirror), consisting of three underlying specula, the speculum natural, the speculum doctrine and the speculum historian. From this third part, Jacob van Maerlant made a berijmde Middle Dutch version, the Spiegel Historiael between 1284 and 1290.

Vincent van Beauvais was a French Dominican who was in the highest circles. Little is known about his life. He may have been in Beauvais's Dominican Monastery for some time, which was founded by Louis IX of France. Afterwards, he must have been a lecturer, theologian theology, for the novices in the royal monastery Royaumont. The assignment for most of his books received Vincent from members of the French royal house.

In particular, the Speculum History is handed down in many manuscripts. In addition to these encyclopaedic works, he wrote several smaller treaties, including a writing about the education of king children, The Eruditione Filiorum Regalium. Externe link Literature
