Working community of Flanders tomorrow

The Working Community of Flanders Morgen was an independent progressive thinking group within the Flemish Movement. History

The Working Community of Flanders Morgen started its activities as an independent thinking group in 1979. The intention was to initiate critical reflection on Flemish Movement and Flemish politics. In her statement of principle she clarified: "It was and her intention to re-engage this movement and this politics with rejuvenated dynamism, more pluralism, more justice and more international orientation, in short, with more social agility." In 1999, the Working Community of Flanders continued to exist. Magazine Front page of the magazine Vlaanderen Morgen

The Working Community of Flanders Morgen also published a two-monthly magazine entitled 'Vlaanderen Morgen - Tweemaandelijks cahier van de Werkgemeenschap Vlaanderen Morgen'. In the editors we found Christian Dutoit, Bart Maddens and Godfried Van de Perre, among others. Veerle Schiltz was responsible publisher. Under the name of Roskam, Hugo Schiltz published columns with speculations about the 'Flemish abduction battle'. Wouter Beke, the current chairman of the CD & V, wrote four articles for Flanders Tomorrow: "The Politics Over" (1994), "The City in a Network" (1996), "Flemish Identity and Cartographic Illusions" (1997) and "New citizens in society" (1998).

The cover design was handed by graphic designer Rob Buytaert who received a State Award of the Flemish Community in 1988 and received the Henry van de Velde Prize for Career in 1997. Sources

Vlaanderen Morgen, tweemaandelijks cahier van de Werkgemeenschap Vlaanderen Morgen, november-december 1993.
