Asia (novella)

Asia is a story by Ivan Turgenev. Started by the writer in 1857 during his stay in Germany, he is published in Sovremennik magazine in 1858.

Asia is a girl who declares her love to the boy she is in love with, Gaspadin N. Gaspadin, struck and scared by the girl's first step, flees without saying anything. The character of Gaspadin can be united to that of Onegin, who has the same reaction after a statement of love. The story then says that Gaspadin, repentant of his hasty reaction, comes back from the girl to regain her, but she has disappeared.

This work gained a tremendous success but also a bit of criticism, as Gaspadin represents a social type, a liberal political man, and liberalism - he will say Černyševskij - leads to dementia.
