Department of Environment, Nature and Energy

The Department of Environment, Nature and Energy (LNE) is a department of the Flemish government responsible for the preparation and evaluation of Flemish environmental policy and the management and follow-up of policy implementation. The head of this department has been Flemish Minister of the Environment, Joke Schauvliege since July 2009; before that was Hilde Crevits).

The purpose of the LNE is to protect the environment (soil, subsoil, water and air) from pollution and degradation, the prevention of noise pollution, the enforcement of dangerous, unhealthy or annoying companies, etc. The Flemish Department of Animal Welfare has been part of the Department of LNE since 2014. Embedding in Ministry of LNE

The department, together with some agencies without legal personality, formally forms the Ministry of Environment, Nature and Energy. These agencies, the Nature and Forest Agency, the Institute for Nature and Forest Research (INBO) and the Flemish Energy Agency (VEA), are not hierarchically subordinated to the department, but directly under the Minister. The LNE Policy Area also includes four independent agencies with legal personality. Externe link
