
Hidrellez or Hıdırellez (Turkish: Hıdrellez or Hıdırellez) (Azerbaijan: Xıdır Ilyas or Xıdır Nəbi) is a party in Turkey; It is celebrated on the day that according to tradition, the prophets Hızır (Arabic: Khidr) and İlyas (Elia) met. Hidrellez starts on May 5 and ends on May 6 in the Gregorian calendar. In the julian calendar this day is on April 23th.

It's a spring break. There are several theories about the rise of the party. The many ceremonies and rituals for different gods were raised in Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Iran and other Mediterranean countries.

Hızır would be immortal because he drank the water of life. He walks around the world, especially in spring. He helps people with their difficulties.
