Jan Gregor van der Schardt

Buste Willibald Imhoff the Elder, door Jan Gregor van der Schardt (Bode Museum in Berlijn)

Jan Gregor van der Schardt (Nijmegen, circa 1530 - Denmark, after 1581) was a Dutch-German sculptor of the Northern Renaissance.

In 1560 he settled in Bologna, although he traveled through Italy many years later. Van der Schardt acquired fame through his small copies of antique sculptures. In 1569 he joined the Emperor Maximilian II in Vienna and soon settled in Nuremberg. There he enjoyed the protection of merchant collector Paul von Praun. One of Van der Schardt's most famous works from this period is a self-portrait (a painted bush in terracotta), to be seen in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. After the death of Maximilian in 1576, Van der Schardt was working at the court of the Danish king Frederik II. Three years later, he returned to Nuremberg. Probably, he worked in Denmark in the 1980s, where he died in the early 90's. Externe link Footnotes
