
Kihon is the collection of karate basic techniques.

Other Japanese combat sports like Kendo and Aikido carry a kihon.

The kihon consists of arm and hand techniques like uraks, shuto and jodan-tsuki, leg and foot techniques like mae geri and mawashi geri and breathing exercises ibuke and nogari.

A large part of the training for beginners consists of warming up and then kihon. Even advanced and experts, Kihon continues to practice and complete.

By repeated repetition of a technique in the kihon one acquires some automation. The consequence of this is that kata and kumite need no longer be considered about the proper implementation of these techniques.

There is also an additional kihon for advanced with stroke techniques like seiken, tettsui, hiji and blocking techniques like tensho and juji to ward off an attack. Externe link

