Tree of knowledge of good and evil

Lucas Cranach: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (detail) Hans Holbein: Adam and Eve

The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a tree that appears with the tree of life in the book of Genesis. The tree is in the middle of the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve stay on Earth during their first period.

God told them:

"You can eat of all the trees in the garden, but not of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; when you eat there you will irrevocably die. ' - NBV, Gen. 2: 16-17

Fortunately, they lived into a snake (according to the Christian interpretation of the disguised Satan) Eve tempted to eat the forbidden fruit (often pictured as an apple) growing on the tree. She ate it and gave the fruit to Adam, who also ate. At that moment, they became immediately aware of their nakedness and were ashamed. With fig leaves they then covered their bodies. Was the forbidden fruit an apple?

The forbidden fruit where Eva van at, is often presented as an apple. In the Bible, however, there is no apple but a fruit. Moreover, the apple tree was probably not known in the biblical regions where the writers of Genesis lived. Also see
