Association for Experimental Radio Research Netherlands

The Association for Experimental Radio Research Netherlands (VERON) was founded on 21 October 1945 to promote the practice of amateur radio communications and the associated experimental radio and electronics research.

The VERON is an association with anno 2014 approximately 8000 members, organized in 64 departments in the Netherlands. The association Electron appears 12 times a year and contains, in addition to association news, technical articles on transmission and receiving techniques. The common interest of members, amateurs and professionals concerns the experimentation with radio communication. This is done on an individual basis as well as in a group.

In matches, regular matches (contests) are organized. It is about making as many connections as possible in a limited time. Expeditions (DXpedities) to low-availability places on earth make high demands on equipment and people, as well as knowledge of the propagation of radio waves. Experimenting with antennas, electronics and using computers, tablets and smartphones when decoding digital communication modes is very popular, as well as experimenting with software-defined radio. In the so-called fox hunting, the experimentation with radio location determination is central. Many departments provide courses that teach for the diploma, self-construction and measurement days.

The VERON is the Dutch section of Region I of the "International Amateur Radio Union" (IARU). Radio amateurism is a world-wide community in which almost all countries are connected. Although radio broadcasts are subject to the laws of the individual countries, the IARU achieves a high degree of agreement in radio frequencies assigned to radio amateurs. Due to the international character, many cross-border contacts are being made. Radio frequencies take place regularly, depending on the propagation conditions, among other things, conversations between radio amateurs are being conducted in several countries of the world.

The VERON association station is PI4AA, which broadcasts every first Friday of the month from Hilversum. Also see Externe link
