The free part is the supplement to the profile that the student in the top of the havo or vwo chooses next to the compulsory subjects to complete the profile selection.
IntentThe purpose of the free part is to give room for the personal p and the student's own interest. In addition, the study of an additional subject in addition to the permanent subjects of the profile may be desirable with a view to a specific further education. The free part has two possibilities: a choice exam subject and the whole free part. The choice exam subject
The choice exam subject can be chosen from all major subjects that are not yet in the profile. For timetable reasons, a school can decide not to offer all courses. The choice for math-D is only possible if Math-B is in the subject package. The whole free part
In consultation with the school, an additional study can be chosen next to the subjects listed on the schedule. The study fee for this whole free part can comprise 400 study hours. These hours can be divided into the havo in the fourth and fifth grade, in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade vwo.