Narrative art

Narrative art is a particularly popular conceptual form of art in the second half of the 70s of the twentieth century. It connects to photographic practices related to the recovery of memory and time. Photographic sequences and writing coexist (eg in Duane Michals or Peter Hutchinson), but because of their membership of different linguistic statutes, they oblige thought into two separate paths that will bring together images and texts into an exclusively mental dimension obtained thanks to the emotional participation of the observer. This results in a slowdown or deformation of the temporal axis that finds the most direct in Marcel Proust and Herbert Marcuse. The autobiographical attitude is prevalent in Peter Hutchinson, Christian Boltanski moves between individual and collective memory, while Bill Beckley organizes sequences of images following a police and clandestine model to solicit attention and counteract mental automatisms. Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto Voices correlateemodify wikitesto
