Performing arts, sometimes referred to as performing arts, are those forms of art that are performed on a stage in the presence of audiences. The performing arts include live performances of music, musical, opera, ballet, modern dance, theater and grandchildren. These types of performing arts can be performed by professional musicians, dancers, actors or cabaretors, often led by a conductor or director, but also by amateurs.
The term performing arts emphasizes the fact that this art form is regarded as "serviceable" for the more "creative" art forms of (stage) writing, composing and choreographing, although many performing artists combine these forms of art. In the performing arts, expression of feelings is often the focus. Important tools include decor design, costume design, lighting and sound technology.
The art of performing arts is also used for a study area in Flemish art education (KSO). In the Netherlands, the Podium Arts Fund is involved in the coordination and stimulation of the stage offering. In Flanders, this is the Platform of Performing Arts. The Dutch performing arts know its own magazine, Theatermaker (TM), with an online version called
In Flanders, the grant for the performing arts has been regulated in the Podium Art Decree and since 2006 in the Art Decree.