Guerra (Henri Rousseau)

War is a canvas oil painting of 114 x 195 cm made in 1894 by French painter Henri Rousseau. The horse is totally opposed to the white pony represented in "The wheelbarrow du Père Junier": black, wild and barefoot, carries an armed, ugly and wild woman on its own: this means that war brings primitiveness. The horse represents the brute force of war. At the bottom of the painting are the effects of war, corpses with crows that eat it. Stubble trees and broken branches create a landscape of desolation and allude to death even though the use of pink for clouds and the shimmering blue of the sky does not allow us to perceive the dramatic nature of the event. The composition is pyramidal (structure invented by Leonardo Da Vinci), at the base there are corpses, while the woman is at the top.

It is kept at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris.

The canvas was exposed at Salon des Indépendants in 1894.
