Sex met Angela

Sex with Angela was a Dutch television program for young people broadcast by AVRO in the eve of 1993 and 1994. The program was presented by Angela Groothuizen and was intended to inform and talk about young people openly about sex and related topics. Content

The studio looked like an intimate bedroom, where Angela Groothuizen received her guests on a large round bed. The atmosphere was sometimes a little luscious, but everyone was left in his or her worth. A fixed part was an intimate cross-talk with a well-known Dutchman, often revealing himself a lot of self-explanatory questions, for example, when he or she "did" for the first time.

The program made quite a bit of dust abroad. Especially from Conservative America there was great outrage on the concept. Angela Groothuizen appeared in Phil Donahue's American talk show in 1995 to defend her approach.

The program was permanently closed with Angela's sentence: Never do anything you do not mind and if you do, do it safely. Other employees

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