Tuscan village

Map of the center of ancient Rome, with the center of the Vicus Tuscus

The Vicus Tuscus (Dutch: Tuscan Road) was an important street in the center of ancient Rome.

The Vicus Tuscus joined the Roman Forum, with the Forum Boarium, where the oldest river port of the Tiber was. The street began between the Temple of Castor and Pollux and the Basilica of Julia at the Roman Forum, where he joined the Via Sacra. Then he walked through the valley between the Palatine and the Capitoline Line (the Velabrum) to the Forum Boarium on the other side of the hills. At the Forum Boarium, Vicus Tuscus went through the Porta Flumentana during Republican time, after which he came to the Punch Aemilius, where he could cross the Tiber.

In republican times, the houses of wealthy citizens lay along this street. In the imperial era, this neighborhood became more commercial and there were many shops and markets. Books and perfumes were handled.

In addition to a busy trade route, the Vicus Tuscus was also used for religious processions. The Cloaca Maxima, Rome's main sewer, partially followed the Vicus Tuscus route.

The name is associated with Etruscan immigrants from the area of ​​current Tuscany. There was a shrine in honor of the Etruscan god Vortumnus at the beginning of the street.
