Bit (television series)

Bit is a 2008 drama series of Omrop Fryslân, directed by Steven de Jong. The series tells the story of two rival horse families. Story

It is a war between the wealthy stud farm of the Prince family and the thin horse stable of the Wierda family. The series begins after the mother's death in the poor family, when their mare is covered. From this, a supernatural is born: Sil. From then on the battle breaks. The princes have money, the Wierda's talent. Who wins?

The battle is widening between different generations: the fathers Joop Prince and Hidde Wierda, two power workers of over fifty. And their children: Menno Prince and Renske Wierda, two ambitious young people. A battle that focuses on a doping scandal and the construction of a (horse) recreation park. Role distribution
