Park of the Medici

Coordinates: 41 ° 48'55.22 "N 12 ° 24'36.47" E / 41.815338 ° N 12.410131 ° E41.815338; 12.410131 Parco de 'Medici is an urban area of ​​Roma Municipio Roma XI. It is part of the 15E Magliana urban area, in the Z. XL Magliana Vecchia area.

It is a purely administrative district with offices, executive offices and legal offices of major Italian companies.

In the last few years, he has experienced a strong development of recreational and residential (apartment and hotel) recreational facilities, due mainly to the contemporary construction of the new Rome Fair on the neighborhood's director. Collegamentimodifica wikitesto

It is also well served by a junction of the urban section of the Rome-Fiumicino highway. Links externalize the wikitesto
