Mangkoenegaran is one of the former kingdoms on Java. The ruler has been practicing no power since 1945, but his Kraton is still a center of Javanese traditions and art.
The area was part of the empire Mataram divided into three states in the 18th century. The prince of Mangkoenegaran, Mangkoenegara, was subordinated to the Soerakoena of Soerakarta, which also originates from the House Kartasoera.
The founder of the empire and dynasty was Sri Mangkoenegara I, formerly Raden Mas Said, a prince of the House of Soerakarta. He and his successors ruled as Vazalls of the Soeroehoen of Soerakarta, which in turn was the VOC of the VOC and later of the Netherlands. The Mangkoenegaran was a self-employed and attended the Netherlands with a strong army, including cavalry and own artillery. The princes, all called "Mangkoenegara" were very loyal to Dutch colonial authority. Therefore, their rule was abolished in 1945, and therefore, the Mangrovoegara in the Republic of Indonesia did not receive any special privileges or positions.
The Mangrownegara IX born in 1951 is the ninth king of Mankoenegaran. Princes of Mangkoenegaran