Arcadio of Mauritania

Arcadio of Mauritania, also known as Arcadio of Caesarea of ​​Mauritania (... - Caesarea of ​​Mauritania, 302), was a Christian martyr, praised by Zenone of Verona, venerated by the Catholic Church as saint. Agiografiamodifica wikitesto

Arcadio suffered the martyrdom in Caesarea of ​​Mauritania (in Algeria today), according to the testimony made by a sermon of St. Zenone, Bishop of Verona, who was probably of African origin and had a great devotion to Arcadio: "De natali S. Arcadii, here habet natale pridie idus ianuarii in civitate Cesareae Mauritaniae. "

Arcadio died around 304 during the last Diocletian persecution: searches and raids blended with the executions of Christians, so Arcadio, a pretty-sighted citizen, fled from Caesarea. But the soldiers arrested a relative to serve him as a hostage and force him to return. Arcadio presented himself to the judge who ordered him to sacrifice to the gods, but Arcadio refused and was condemned to die among atrocious torments. Cultomodifies wikitesto

His memory falls on January 12 in Latin martire: Links externalize the wikitesto
