Ludovic Caeymaex

Ludovic Leon Marie Joseph Benoît Caeymaex (Antwerp, March 16, 1912 - Uccle, February 21, 1997) was a Belgian magistrate and head of state security. Lifecycle

Caeymaex was the son of Antwerp lawyer Joseph Caeymaex and Marie-Antoinette François. He married the Brussels Jeanine Orban (1921) in 1942 and they had three sons and a daughter.

He became a doctor in law and licentiate in political and social sciences. After being a lawyer, he stepped over to the parquet and climbed to substitute Auditor General at the Martial Court. He was also:

Caeymaex participated in the Eight-Day Field Trip. He became General Secretary of Belgian State Security in 1958, following Robert de Foy, of whom he was the deputy. He fulfilled this task until 1977 and was succeeded by his deputy Albert Raes. Since its inception, he was involved in the organization of the Stay-behind activities. State Security was in charge of civilian operations, under the abbreviation STC: Mob.

In 1989, Caeymaex was incorporated into hereditary nobility with the personal title of knight. Literature
