René Höcker

René Höcker (Haarlem, August 24, 1958) is a Dutch director.

Höcker contributed to movies like The Bitter Herb, A Month Later, and The Ragelrat, at the beginning of his career. In 1991 he started as a recording leader at Good Times, Bad Times, a new genre on Dutch television. Within the year he was appointed director and directed a dozen episodes for a year. In 1994 he was involved in the launch of the public soap series En route to Tomorrow, of which he directed dozens of episodes in the beginning. Together with Frank Schoutens and Aart van Asperen, he took care of the first season.

After going to Tomorrow, Höcker was asked for drama series. For the NCRV, he directed the comedy series In the clinch in 1999, with main roles of Frédérique Huydts among others. Huydts and Höcker knew their time at GTST. In recent years, he has been involved in the drama series Meiden van de Wit (NET 5), Rosengeur & amp; Wodka Lime (RTL / Talpa) and Julia's Tango (NET 5). For the latter series he spent a while in Argentina. Recently he was Ben Sombogaart's assistant at the movie Zieleman.
