Central Examination Committee fixing assignments

The CEVO (Central Examination Commission Determination Tasks), formerly Commission Determination Tasks (CVO) was the Dutch Examination Board.

At the end of 2009, the CEVO has entered the College for Tests and Exams.

The CEVO was the governing body around the exams. She took care of creating and publishing the exam timetable, tools and rules for exam assessment. The CEVO established the final norm every year at the end of the exam and coordinated the total work around the exams. Missers

In 2009, a question from the HAVO final exam was deleted by the CEVO. This was not the first time the CEVO made a mistake in the exam. In the vwo exam history a question about the Northern War was deleted because this question did not belong to the subject matter. In 2007, the CEVO had already made a mistake in politics. A negative quote about organ donation was placed in the VMBO exam society science. This quote should be from the SGP. The party would have noted that God did not make the human body to tear it to other people. The quote was later found nowhere. The CEVO expressed its apologies to the SGP. Because the quote was noticed only one month after the exams, no question was removed from the exam.
