Publio Autronio Peto

Publio Autronio Peto (Latin Publius Autronius Paetus; ... - ...) was a Roman politician who lived in the last period of the Republic, involved in the first conspiracy by Lucio Sergio Catilina (66 BC). Biography modifies wikitesto

She was nominated and was elected to consular elections for the year 65 BC along with Publius Cornelio Silla, nephew of Lucio Cornelio Silla, but before their mandate began they were accused of electoral fraud by Lucio Aurelio Cotta and Lucio Manlio Torquato. Known guilty, their election was invalidated and they were elected consuls in their place the two behind behind the vows. Autronio then attempted a conspiracy with Catilina to eliminate the new consuls (66 BC), but the plan failed by Catilina's error, which gave the signal to intervene before the conspiracy was all assembled.

Autronio was implicated in Catilina's failed attempt; after his old friend Marco Tullio Cicero refused to defend him, was tried and sent to exile in Epirus. When Cicero was exiled in 58 BC, he feared that Autronio might try to kill him. Notemodify wikitesto Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto
